Commitment / 3 posts found

Cracks and Commitments: The Comedy of Keeping Your Word

by chirag_dk
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Cracks and Commitments: every commitment you honor becomes a superhero cape for your confidence. But, ah, every commitment you break? Well...

Its never too late to get started right now

by chirag_dk
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"We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps"- Hermann Hesse. Its never too late to get started right now. So many things happen to us along the way. Yet, we always have a choice of how we choose to respond to them. There is a space between stimulus and response and this is reached through the golden pause.

Commitments can help you start cults and quit smoking

by chirag_dk
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Meet Debra and learn how a simple card trick and commitments can help you do both.