Gratitude / 2 posts found

Can a baby complete your life?

by chirag_dk
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Thats a great question. Can a baby complete your life? As a party boy, I never imagined it would be possible for me to love another human being as much as I do my wife. And then my daughter happened to me. It wasn’t that all my fears vanished over night. Before she arrived, we went through a 40 hour pre labour period with massive contractions. My wife spent them grabbing her belly and making funny noises every 5 minutes. It was definitely not the most pleasant experience. We stayed up all night and poured warm water over her belly […]

The little secret that everyone knows but many struggle to follow.

by chirag_dk
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The strange thing about life is that if we can make ourselves happy, we can and want to make others happy. Joy is contagious —