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Embracing the Mess: A Journey into Psychological Safety and Authentic Connection

by chirag_dk
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“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”  ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Hi. Confession time – speaking up and diving into messy feelings? Not my favorite cup of tea. Emotions? Kind of icky, right? They just seem to complicate things and throw a curveball into the smooth ride of relationships. My go-to strategy? Keep it in, wear that “everything is okay” mask, and echo the Thai wisdom of “Sabai Sabai,” tranquility on the surface. Guess what? This thinking isn’t just an Eastern thing. […]
Unearthing My Growth Mindset:3

Unearthing My Growth Mindset: A Tale of Rice, chilli, and Cold Calls

by chirag_dk
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Realising that work does not always have to be hard. There are different ways to go about doing good work. What is the intended result? Why am I doing this task, what is the bigger goal that I am trying to achieve? Am I working for the sake of working, just to keep busy or am I trying to achieve something meaningful that will create value for me and others? 

The Odyssey, Talking Horses And A New Me

by chirag_dk
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"The best advice I ever got might have been from a talking horse", Jim told me one day as he left on his odyssey....

Contributing to the world in a meaningful way

by chirag_dk
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Contributing to the world in a meaningful way. It was a glorious morning. The birds chirped as a warm darkness permeated the morning air with a culmination of mystery and serenity. There was something buzzing. Not quite sure what it was, I perched at the window viewing the world moving once more. Like a clockwork toy all wound up, people went busily about their business; cars hummed by, birds sang and the sun, like a stubborn child took its time to get up to go to school. I need somebodyHelp! Not just anybody(Help!) you know I need someoneHelp! The Beatles […]