Contributing to the world in a meaningful way
Contributing to the world in a meaningful way. It was a glorious morning. The birds chirped as a warm darkness permeated the morning air with a culmination of mystery and serenity. There was something buzzing. Not quite sure what it was, I perched at the window viewing the world moving once more. Like a clockwork toy all wound up, people went busily about their business; cars hummed by, birds sang and the sun, like a stubborn child took its time to get up to go to school.
I need somebody
The Beatles
Help! Not just anybody
(Help!) you know I need someone
Much was happening. It was another normal day yet something in the air felt different. I could not quite put my finger on it. My morning coffee did not taste the same way and neither did my writing. There was an element of surprised difference laying within each. The coffee tasted burnt, with notes of black pepper, while the tap water produced notes of floral sweetness. Confused yet too lazy to do something about it, I sipped this unusual concoction together. Partly in harmony, some in distrust, a tiny bit disbelieving of my senses and mostly focused on moving forward.
Here I am experiencing such wonder and still I am in a hurry to simply get things done. What if there was nothing to be done?
Of course theres work, school, breakfast, exercise, meditation, writing, dreaming and a million other activities to fill my day. But what if, and this is a magnitude of a jump I ask you to do with me.. what if none of it were important enough to be done. Sure they were urgent activities which needed completing but, not important enough to be done?
Im not really sure what to tell you. How could I? That work, exercise, meditation, school, breakfast, writing and all the things that I had to do were simply not important enough to do. So what is or was important on that morning? It was a simple question which I thought of last night but might have been too afraid to pen down.
Mit diesem Herz hab’ ich die Macht
Die Augenlider zu erpressen
Ich singe bis der Tag erwacht
Ein heller Schein am Firmament
Mein Herz brennt
What do I really want to do today?
Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it might eat me or.. not. How do I even answer this? My first thoughts were to go back to bed with a book and cozy away my morning. Another part of me wanted to run to the beach and jump into the salty ocean. My inner me wanted a chocolate sundae for breakfast. What did I really want to do today?
Sometimes my own words can surprise me.
I want to create something new and contribute to the world in a meaningful way. Contributing to the world in a meaningful way? Sure, it sounds altruistic and hopeful. It might even sound like something one should say but, what does it even mean? I pondered. What does it even mean?
Woah, we’re half way there
Bon Jovi
Woah, livin’ on a prayer
Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear
Woah, livin’ on a prayer
Sometimes because you don’t know the answer…
…instead of jumping onto the oracle most of us know as Google, try to answer it with a pen and a sheet of paper.
I asked myself that fateful morning; what one thing might I create today and in what one way might I contribute to the world in a meaningful way today?
Writing words which pleased me, doing something that makes me and only me happy. Being self-ish, like taking a shower. Its just me, its only for me.. but others benefit from me smelling grand too. A shower changes my temperament, especially a cold one, and coming out from one I feel better and thus make others around me feel better by feeling better myself.
My version of the shower on that morning was, yes; a shower for sure, but more than that it was writing. It was also meditation, exercise and doing work I enjoy. Doing work I enjoy might sound challenging to some and it is until you, yes you, decide that you do not have to but get to do it.
Why not bring an element of fun while contributing to the world in a meaningful way?
Why not do so with joy..or as the French say, Joie de vivre? Put on music you like, dance while you sweep the floor, really ask your customers how they are. When they speak deeply listen without interruption and without trying to sell them anything; simply connect with them for a little longer than you normally would.
Say your prayers, little one
Don’t forget, my son
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
‘Til the sandman, he comes
If your work involves mostly non-humans, perhaps make yourself that really tasty cup of something you have been dreaming of. Maybe its a large breakfast and a whole drink. It might even be a cheeky nap in the afternoon and a good book midway through work.
An hour spent rejuvenating yourself might deliver better arrears than 6 hours of unconscious slogging. Just maybe.
Contributing to the world in a meaningful way does not have to be a massive undertaking.
Sometimes a $10 meal tastes as good as a $1000 meal. Sometimes having a chocolate sundae for breakfast is the best thing you can do for yourself. I would like to know about you dear reader and I pose this same question to you: what one thing might I create and in what one way might I contribute to the world in a meaningful way today?
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill