Embracing the Mess: A Journey into Psychological Safety and Authentic Connection

by chirag_dk
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“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” 

― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


Confession time – speaking up and diving into messy feelings? Not my favorite cup of tea. Emotions? Kind of icky, right? They just seem to complicate things and throw a curveball into the smooth ride of relationships. My go-to strategy? Keep it in, wear that “everything is okay” mask, and echo the Thai wisdom of “Sabai Sabai,” tranquility on the surface.

Guess what?

This thinking isn’t just an Eastern thing. It’s a global phenomenon. I’ve danced the same dance with colleagues from Australia, Germany, and even the chill vibes of Sweden. So, what’s the game plan? How do we navigate these uncharted emotional waters?

Enter the buzzword: psychological safety.

It’s the secret sauce that makes expressing oneself feel like a warm hug rather than a leap off a cliff. Can we, for a moment, let our guard down, be ourselves, ask for a hand when we need it, and boldly declare ‘I don’t know’ when it’s the truth?

Being the first to speak up? Terrifying. Being the second or the hundredth? Well, that feels a bit cozier. Truth is, standing out only happens when there’s something worth gaining – in life or, you guessed it, in business.

So, how do we practice this magical psychological safety thing? Google might offer you a checklist longer than your grocery list. But here’s my golden rule: It starts with you. Each and every one of us owns a piece of the puzzle. If someone oversteps, it’s not just a ‘we’ thing. It’s an ‘I’ thing too. Constructive communication is the name of the game.

Psychological safety isn’t about tiptoeing around or turning into a rule enforcer. It’s about weaving a tapestry of trust, respect, engagement, acceptance, and, of course, a sprinkle of fun. Because let’s be real – life is just a tad more enjoyable when we can kick back, be ourselves, and share a laugh or two.

Cheers to embracing the messy, the real, and the beautifully imperfect.

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