Its never too late to get started right now
Its never too late to get started right now. So many things happen to us along the way. Yet, we always have a choice of how we choose to respond to them. There is a space between stimulus and response and this is reached through the golden pause. The taking in of a breath slowly and observing how this same air tickles the hair of our nostrils and fills our lungs. Feel the sensation of lungs expanding and a silent hug between air and lung held for a moment. Like a long awaited reunion, noticing how the air races through our body and runs out like a child rushing to play in the garden on the first day of summer holidays.

Its never too late to get started right now
To enjoy this moment,
imagine sitting like a grandparent, on the porch and watching the spectacle of life befall us. Something so natural and simple and that fills our heart with utmost glee. Yet so easy to miss while being busy. Take this moment now. Close your eyes, inhale and notice what happens to you. How does it feel when air rushes into you? Do you feel the cosines of the inner hug between you and your breath. Now watch it race through the garden of your soul as once your inner child raced through your own gardens of childhood. Sit or stand. Be still for just this moment and observe what happens.
Once the child is out of sight, look back at your life and the decision that lays waiting patiently like a patient in a doctors waiting room. Theres nothing the patient can do if it wants to see you but wait for you to call him.

No amounts of cajoling or whining can move you — for you are the doctor of your soul and immovable as a mountain.
Once he enters, listen carefully to what he does not say as much as to what he does. Notice the body language. Feel the electricity in the room, the roving energy like animals moving in the wild. Notice the sensations running in you as he speaks and makes his ask. What do you think? How do you really feel?
Like a child taking his fathers word as law, would you have this same trust between you and your instincts? They are you and you are them. Take a moment again to be still. Breathe and watch the entire process run through the eye of your mind. If you are not ready for an answer, then say so and let that be your law. Your personal law, it is your divine order.
Its never too late to get started right now
What is it that I really want?
And in answering this through the lens of your heart, you can hear its pure voice. Whatever its intentions, let them be known to yourself — for the truth, no matter how harsh will set you free. Only in releasing it from its cage can it unfurl itself fully and be cleansed. Somethings need not effort to be changed. They only ask to be released from their captivity in the darkness of your cave.
Let them go and watch them sail away in the wind on flights of fancy.
And now, you are ready for your next step. Whatever that may be. Have you made your decision? Whats stopping you? Be still my beating heart and listen to its advice. It will never steer you wrong. If you stumble, and men often do, you will rise again. Fore a man must stumble often before they reach their hearth.
Let it be your will today to decide how you live. Hold tight, but loose, the reins of life. Kick your feet and lets get moving. We have a job to do, a life to lead and joy to create and share. Its never too late to get started right now

– Hermann Hesse
What is Self Empowery?
The door of change lies inside us and only we, can open it. No book, program or coach can do this for you. We can only get you to the door and you have to step up and open it. Our mission is to help you feel really good about who you are so that they can step up and empower yourself to take the necessary action. Everything we need is inside us. Sometimes, we all need a gentle reminder =)
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